There are clients who don't know what they're talking about and have bad ideas. That may be impossible to do in Skyrim, I really don't know! Your sword attacks and your player thrusts where it does when you hit that button but you could still free look and size up other enemies and your surrounding like you can with the 3rd person camera in Souls.

One thing to make it feel like you still had some control was if you could still look around even while you were animation locked and it didn't affect your weapon aim. Dodging and rolls and stuff have already been done in Oblivion so that's not out of the realm of possibility. Taking that control away may not play out or be fun at all in first person, but I think it would be an interesting experiment. Same with the enemies who are constantly locked onto your shit with their one-track programming. In Skyrim, you can keep moving and turning and aiming while slashing your sword like an idiot much of the time. Same goes for the standard attacks, but they are a lot faster so you regain control quickly.

In Souls, when you swing a sword overhead with a hard attack for example, your control over that character is basically locked, and if you didn't line up that attack before committing, you'll be wide open to a counter. Feel like it all would hinge on the loss of player control for some of the attacks & animations.