Beas II Illustrations Matt Plog Product Editing Jason Schmetzer STAR LEAGUE ERA CLAN INVASION ERA SUCCESSION WARS ERA Unit Stats and Record Sheets Herbert A.

Rome Writing Johannes Heidler Ken’ Horner Daniel Isberner Kevin Killiany Aaron Pollyea Christopher Purnell Craig Reed Luke Robertson Jason Schmetzer Adam Sherwood Joel Steverson Geoff Swift Andreas Zuber Production Staff Art Director Brent Evans Assistant Art Director Ray Arrastia Cover Art Anthony Scroggins Layout & Cover Design Ray Arrastia Product Development Jason Schmetzer Development Assistance Herbert A. mercenaries CREDITS BattleTech Line Developer Herb A. For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations. Featuring new and matured technology, and presented in this series of factionspecific PDFs, these combat units will add excitement and variety to any game table. Technical Readout: 3145 introduces the wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ‘Mech, and aerospace units appearing across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Technology, once stagnated by trade restrictions and peace treaties, now surges forward again, testing these new machines in the fierce crucible of war. As war once more rages across the Inner Sphere, new equipment strides across ancient battlefields. Without its influence, old hatreds have risen anew. Withdrawn behind the Fortress walls, the oncegreat power has become a silent, opaque remnant of its former glory. TM technical readout 3145 The great experiment that was the Republic of the Sphere has failed.